
Day: 21 April 2024

The benefits of online preschool and how it works

Online preschool: how it works Before you begin online preschool for your child, you’ll need to plan out administrative and organizational elements. First, always check local homeschooling laws, as these vary from state to state.  Most states will require you to apply to the local department of

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How to start homeschooling: 10 steps to start your homeschool journey

Homeschool 101 to get you started Note from Outschool: Laws about homeschooling vary from state to state. Before beginning any homeschool program, be sure to learn about and follow all state laws and guidelines, including public health orders. How to start homeschooling – the thought alone may

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How to put together a homeschooling curriculum for the first time

Tips on managing lesson lengths, playing to your family’s strengths, and getting support when you need it.  If you’re new to homeschooling, getting started and putting together a homeschooling curriculum for the first time can seem daunting. What are the best resources, and where do you begin to look?  Should

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How figuring out my child’s learning preferences made me a better homeschool parent

Your children have superpowers. No, not the imaginary ones of flying or becoming invisible. Their superpowers include unique ways of thinking, doing, moving, creating, and more.  And these powers contribute to learning preferences or the preferred way(s) a child digests new information. We wrote a complete guide here, but

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